Maxstim for Amenities
Fulham Football Club
Fulham FC's Head Groundsman, Phil Fifield has tended sports surfaces both in the UK and Middle East and is always looking for new and innovative ways to improve plant health.
Maxstim for Amenities
Fulham FC's Head Groundsman, Phil Fifield has tended sports surfaces both in the UK and Middle East and is always looking for new and innovative ways to improve plant health.
Maxstim for Agriculture
Wijstwater Advies, expert blueberry consultants based in Holland conducted a trial on several Northern Highbush varieties.
Maxstim for Amenities
France Galop trialled Maxstim on Chantilly Race Course, home of the French Derby and also the Prix de L’arc de Triomphe for 2016.
Maxstim for Amenities
The national stadium for Wales. It has one of the most demanding pitches to care for in the UK, due to high stands and a closed roof creating a challenging microclimate.
Maxstim for Amenities
After seeing the benefits of using Maxstim at a number of prestigious golf venues in Europe, Alejandro Reyes wanted to evaluate the effect of Maxstim at Le Golf National.
Maxstim for Amenities
Maxstim was tested over 12 months at Dunmurry, keeping the chipping green untreated as the control example for comparison.
Maxstim for Amenities
At Stoke Rochford Golf Club, the Course Manager Gareth Austin had been having problems with stressed turf and disease on some parts of their greens.
Maxstim for Amenities
The turf at Royal Westmoreland suffers severe stress from bursts of heavy rainfall in the second half of the year, which peaks in November.
Maxstim for Amenities
Kevin Day, Course Manager at Hersham Golf Club had been looking for a natural way to treat their greens.
Maxstim for Turf
What would you do with a quarter of a million pounds? That is how much Tim Cannon was able to increase his profit by for every 100 hectares of turf grown.
Maxstim for Ornamentals
The aim of the trial was to reduce botrytis attack on Hyacinth plants using biostimulants, with the goal of assessing if it was possible to achieve this with fewer agrochemicals.
Maxstim for Turf
Puttenham Golf Course sees a 26% increase in root length in just 6 months on all greens treated with Maxstim products.