About us

Maxstim is a scientifically-driven innovative organisation responsible for developing a powerful range of complex biostimulants. We are trusted around the world by progressive agricultural growers through to leading sports venues.

Our innovative research and development programme is driven by CEO Dr Richard Salvage and our Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Colin Fleming. Our technical team has vast experience of field conditions in different climates. Together we understand what farmers and growers are looking for and what challenges they face. Our international presence enables us to offer support through soil analysis, diagnostics and on site field visits.

Our products are multi-sourced complex biostimulants that create a synergistic response from a wide variety of bioactive components. Each product is the result of innovative research and includes specific polyphenols and bioflavonoids, organic acids, plant based amino acids, carbohydrates,  ascophyllum nodosum and trace elements. This wide range of bioactive compounds have been engineered precisely to work synergistically for the most beneficial results.

We are delighted to have established ourselves with some key long term customers internationally. We are proud to be in demand from growers and farmers across the globe. This is supported by our growing network of highly regarded distributors.

Get in touch

If you are interested in becoming a distributor or you are a commercial grower, plant nursery or sports amenity professional interested in the benefits of our biostimulants and interested in a trial, please get in touch.

Contact us

Accreditations and Awards

Cranfield University award for 'Entrepreneur of the year'
ISO standard pending logo
Biopesticide award logo for Maxstim

What people say about us

"I am happy with the results, the fruits are of good quality and I am very pleased that we have significantly increased our harvest."

Raimundo | Alberto Garcia Farms

"Rooting has always been an issue, this is due to a root shear - peat layer that has been present for over 20 years. We have always struggled to get roots down and break through this layer, this year we did break through and the only thing different is Maxstim. Not just great for rooting, it has improved the visual appearance and has reduced our water inputs due to the plants efficiency...piece of cake to use...very impressed."

Gareth Austin | Course Manager | Stoke Rochford

"As we watched the trial progress, everything about the treated plants looked far greater than the control plants. Not only were they more robust, but their colouring and root mass were better too. What also took me by surprise was the weight of the treated plants; they had a much denser mass, which would make them hardier plants in our customers' gardens."

Manager | Gouldings Garden Centre

"Thank you for steering me towards your excellent product and yes, we are definitely seeing some excellent results."

Rupert Lawrence | Head Green Keeper | Farnham Golf Club

"It soon became evident that the tomatoes I had treated with Maxstim were considerably larger, up to 20%, but with no loss of flavour. Earlier and more uniformed ripening was noticed too and general plant health was excellent. Based on the trial results I quickly started applying Maxstim to the whole farm. I’ve noticed Maxstim had a more pronounced effect with young developing plants and with fewer fruit required to get to the 450g punnet size, I’ve already built Maxstim into my budget going forward."

John Jones | Guy and Wright Tomatoes

"I've been searching for a product that helps me with all plant development, that is versatile and fully tank mixable. Helping reduce my overall inputs has not only helped my budget but is delivering the results I wanted. I will be using Maxstim for the long term and would be happy to recommend to my fellow greenkeepers."

Liam Mulkerrins | Head Greenkeeper | Puttenham Golf Club

"Maxstim took 60 core samples throughout all our greens both before Maxstim was applied and afterwards. This gave me a total understanding of the impact of Maxstim upon our root system. I did not expect to see an overall increase of 36% in depth and at this time of year. I am very, very impressed with Maxstim and will continue to use it."

Alejandro Reyes | Golf Course and Real Estate Manager | Le Golf National

"I love the product, it has helped the course over the past two years and honestly can confirm it is down to Maxstim. Far better rooting, less stress and disease and a reduction in other inputs saving the club money. The product is always consistent and very easy to use, being in the industry for 37 years I know a good product when I see one, I will be using Maxstim for the long term."

Kevin Day | Hersham Golf Club

"Our field trial results on blueberries show that we can get the roots to develop much faster, nearly doubling the yield over five years. It’s not all about the yield - the berries are more uniform, larger, better quality with significantly higher BRIX values and a longer shelf life. Allin all, using Maxstim means growers will achieve a very significant increase in profit. Every grower will want Maxstim."

Peter van Dijk | Wijstwater Advies