Maxstim Cynosa
When Cynosa is used in conjunction with Maxstim, crops have shown:
- Significantly higher yield
- Better resistance to disease and abiotic stress
- Stronger leaf and stem structure
- More homogenous germination
When Cynosa is used in conjunction with Maxstim, crops have shown:
Cynosa has been developed to enable growers to reduce or eliminate the use of fungicides. Our latest research led us to create a product designed to strengthen plants and protect them against fungal diseases. It is a perfect companion product to use alongside Maxstim’s other biostimulants to support crop development and growth throughout the plant’s life cycle. To demonstrate product efficacy, field testing has been underway in a variety of crops, and the first results are being reported. Overwhelmingly we’re being presented with evidence that Cynosa, used in conjunction with Maxstim biostimulants, is supporting the plant’s natural defences against these otherwise difficult to control stressors. Our trials are also demonstrating that the uptake of silicon by a plant is not necessarily related to the amount of silicon in the product. We now have evidence to show that the technology used to make the silicon easily available to the plant is responsible for its uptake and therefore effectiveness.
To learn more about Cynosa and find out the effect on peppers and cucumbers in our trials, download the report here.
To find out more about the effects of silicon in various stress conditions and how it impacts plant health, download our technical paper. This paper has been written as part of the research and development of Cynosa. It details actual effects of silicon on arable crops, horticultureal plants and sports turf.
Plants treated with Cynosa had a higher cut and breakage resistance, higher sap volume, and lower incidence of fungus developing or mildew in hydroponic plants.
Hydroponically grown plants can result in silicon deficits due to the lack of soil, but Cynosa was effective in providing the silicon the Exquisito cucumbers needed.
There was a 4.2% increase in yield in areas treated with Cynosa and Maxstim products. As well as producing an increased yield, there was also an improvement of crop quality.
Caterpillars are known to target the plants, resulting in rot. In areas treated with Cynosa, the rot did not spread from the fruit to damage the whole plant, so the product acted as an added protection to the crop.
Technical reports
Our patented technology increases and optimises bioactive components found in specific bioflavonoids and polyphenols
Technical reports
Delving into the types of data that can be used to support and evidence biostimulant claims in order to be compliant to the new EU fertiliser regulations 1009/2019.
Technical reports
Maxstim Ltd is a leader in biostimulant design and manufacture and understands the need to demonstrate the integrity and quality of the supporting data that underpins the performance of our products.