Turf grass – impressive fibrous root systems in two and a half months

If you want to harvest your turf sod crop more than once a year, a well-established and fibrous root system is key. Our previous research into the effects of Maxstim biostimulants on turf grass root development and growth showed a significant increase in root length, tips and forks. Now we are starting to see the exciting impact in the field itself.

The video below shows a sample core taken 10 weeks after sowing from a UK based turf sod grower who has been applying Maxstim and Cynosa to his crop. After only two and a half months, the root systems were established, with the potential to sow again only five a half months later. With a reasonable winter, you could potentially lift two crops within 12 months or certainly in a 14-16 month period. Compared to the usual 12-16 months for one turf sod harvest, the evidence is very impressive indeed.

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