Royal Westmoreland
Royal Westmoreland Golf Club, Barbados
The turf at Royal Westmoreland suffers severe stress from bursts of heavy rainfall in the second half of the year, which peaks in November. Some greens were also suffering from pests and disease including dry patch. Simon Crawford turned to Maxstim for help in December, trialling Maxstim on his worst greens. He saw superb recovery in a few applications and now uses Maxstim on all tees and greens as part of his regular maintenance programme.
In 2 months:
- Superb recovery from severe water pressure
- Significantly less disease activity
- “Really easy to use” – being tank mixable and compatible with usual programme
Product: Maxstim for Professional Sports Turf
Where: Royal Westmoreland Golf Club, Barbados
Before – 6th green on 24/11/2014
After – 6th green on 31/03/2015
“Our No. 5 green has gone from one of our weakest to the best! Yes the weather is better and all the greens are in a better condition overall but No.5 is positively gleaming! Even staff are commenting on how much our historically “worst” greens have improved. What a superb recovery from an extremely wet period! So… we’re now using Maxstim fortnightly and I’m delighted to see that all of our greens and tees are going from strength to strength.”
Simon Crawford, Course Manager