What would you do with a quarter of a million pounds?


£250,000 extra margin for every 100 hectares of turf grown. That’s what Tim Cannon has been able to achieve using Maxstim complex biostimulants.

It has taken years of research and working with some of the most prestigious sports venues in the UK and Europe to create the synergistic response required to enable turfgrass to thrive.

Tim Cannon, Maxstim

Senior Agronomist

After nearly 40 years of growing turf Tim has tested numerous inputs but his discovery of Maxstim he describes as ‘ground-breaking’ and revolutionised how he was able to manage the speed, cost and consistency of growing turf, without compromising on the quality. He was so impressed that he asked to join the company. He now has a key role in our specialist team to aid in the development of sustainable agricultural solutions.
Growing turf on a large commercial scale has huge challenges and turf growers need all the help they can get to ensure they have the correct quantity and quality of harvestable turf every month.

With Maxstim they saw:

  • Observable improvement in germination and faster emerging crops
  • Greater root density and improved turf sod strength
  • Robust leaf structure with vibrant green appearance and no signs of abiotic or biotic stress
  • Better utilisation of nitrogen fertiliser inputs leading to a 20% reduction in use
  • Turf was grown to a harvestable condition in 7 months which enabled the production of a second crop of turf
Tim used two products Agriculture + and CynosaTM

Agriculture+ is a complex biostimulant with a wide range of bioactive components including our unique bioflavonoids and polyphenols, creating better root development and early growth.

CynosaTM contains ortho silicic acid enabling plants to assimilate silicon to strengthen plant structures and increase resistance to disease.

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