Harnessing silicon: a solution for salt stress in turfgrass


Silicon in turf

In our last two articles, we shared recent findings on how the use of silicon can enhance plant growth and enhance the stress tolerance of plants, including turf species, to drought.

In certain areas of Europe, salt stress is becoming a regular problem associated with lower quality irrigation water. When exposed to high levels of sodium, a plant’s ability to take up water can be impeded, resulting in stunted growth and wilted foliage. Plants cells are weakened and therefore tolerance to other abiotic stressors is also limited.

Silicon enhances the tolerance of turf to salinity stress

There is some research evidence that applications of silicon can protect turfgrass (e.g. Kentucky bluegrass, common bermudagrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass) from salinity problems.
Benefits of silicon application include:

  • improved seed germination;
  • better canopy coverage;
  • increased plant height;
  • leaf area;
  • tiller number


These studies concluded that the addition of silicon inhibited the absorption and transfer of sodium within turf, leading to reduced sodium levels in shoots and roots.

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